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English Bulgarian
English Bulgarian

Mineral Water mineralna voda Apples yabulki

Fruit Juice sok Pears krushti

Tea / Coffee chai / kafe Cherries chereshi

Wine (white / red) vino (byal / cherveno) Plums slivi

Beer bira Cola cola

Soup supa Peaches praskovi

Bread / Biscuits hlyab / biskviti Tomatoes domati

Eggs / Meat yaitse / meso Peppers chushki

Carrots morkovi Apricots kaisii

Cucumbers krastavitsi Cheese sirene / kashkaval

Honey / Jam med / konserva Milk mlyako

Rice oriz Yoghurt kiselo mlyako

Nuts yadki Dried Fruit susheni plodove

Raspberries malini Strawberries yagodi

Bilberries borovinki Mushrooms gubi

Pork / chicken sveenska / pele Lamb / Beef agne / govedno

Ice / Ice cream led / sladoled Chocolate chokolad

Oranges portokali Lemons limoni